Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Letter to the Editor...(2.14.05)

The letter below is a letter writen to the editor of the Seattle Times in response to an article about a church pastor who wanted to derail legislation that would provide homosexuals with rights taken for granted by the rest of us. Upon reading the letter in the paper I became glaringly aware of the my mistake. The verse I reference is Romans 3:3 my intent was to reference Romans 3:23. Forgive my error, please.

Published on January 22, 2006

Omnia vincit amor

In biblical proportions, some sins are greater than others' preference

As an evangelical seminary student, I struggle with Rev. Ken Hutcherson. The message preached in such a boycott [of Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and other gay-rights supporters] is not the message of Christian love, but rather a message of hate that is echoed throughout many of our churches.

The issue is one in which the Bible does make a clear statement on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. However, when did it get elevated to higher level of sinfulness than other sins we deal with regularly? The Bible is clear that "all have sinned" (Romans 3:3) and that includes the reverend, my gay family member and myself.

However, I think it is convenient that the reverend has chosen the sin that does not require any real change in his world. He will not likely forgo much of his personal comfort in this fight, leading me to think that his time would be better spent fighting sins that permeate most congregations in America, such as divorce and child abuse; why worry about such an issue when there are more pressings issues [the addressing of which] stands to have a greater impact?

— Craig Jacobson, Bellevue


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